Tag Archives: Anna Nicole Smith

Yahoo’s Top Ten Searches by Category…Sadly No Porn

3 Dec

From Yahoo

On the brink.

From billions of searches emerged a fascinating portrait of a culture on the brink — of environmental changes, political breakaways, celebrity breakdowns, and technological breakthroughs. Join us as we explore the top trends in 2007.

Yeah you don’t want to hit the link so here is the list.


top 10 news stories

In the first days of January, cell phone footage of Saddam Hussein’s final moments leaked out and tore a blistering path across the Web… More >

  1. Saddam Hussein
  2. Iran
  3. Iraq
  4. President George W. Bush
  5. Oil and Gas Prices

  1. Barack Obama
  2. Hillary Rodham Clinton
  3. San Diego Fires
  4. Afghanistan
  5. Virginia Tech

Grass is Always Greener

top 10 environmental searches

2007 may go down as the year people stopped talking about the climate crisis and actually did something about it… More >

  1. Recycling
  2. Global Warming
  3. Freecycle
  4. Earth
  5. Pollution

  1. Al Gore
  2. Environmental Protection Agency
  3. Live Earth
  4. Hybrid Cars
  5. Solar Energy

Celebrity Downslides

top 10 troubled stars

Leading up to 2007, the apology circuit was the place of penance for a rampaging celebrity, with a rehab tune-up along the way… More >

  1. Britney Spears
  2. Paris Hilton
  3. Anna Nicole Smith
  4. Vanessa Anne Hudgens
  5. Nicole Richie

  1. Amy Winehouse
  2. Rosie O’Donnell
  3. Tara Conner
  4. Michael Vick
  5. Owen Wilson

The Year of I, You, and Wii

top 10 in tech

Queuing up is a noble tradition — the disciplined mob lining up for free bread or concert tickets. In 2007, a cell phone… More >

  1. YouTube
  2. Wikipedia
  3. Facebook
  4. iTunes
  5. iPod

  1. iPhone
  2. Nintendo Wii
  3. XBox
  4. Sony PlayStation 3
  5. Guitar Hero

Recalling the Recall

top 10 consumer call-backs

In early spring 2007, reports of poisoned dog food spurred frantic searches into the pet food recall. For weeks, pet owners examined… More >

  1. Pet Food Recall
  2. Fisher Price
  3. Thomas the Tank Engine
  4. Dog Food Recall
  5. Menu Foods

  1. E. coli
  2. Food Poisoning
  3. Toy Recall
  4. Peanut Butter Recall
  5. Topps

Hits, Runs & Errors

top 10 sports news

Sports fans have a high threshold for misdeeds. However, 2007 featured several buzzworthy stories that could turn off some fans forever… More >

  2. Maria Sharapova
  3. Boston Red Sox
  4. David Beckham
  5. Serena Williams

  1. Chicago Bears
  2. Christiano Ronaldo
  3. Super Bowl
  4. Ronaldinho
  5. Ashley Force

A Final Farewell

top 10 send-offs

Not all send-offs in 2007 inspired mourning, although they may have been just as heartrending. The biggest turnout in searches came for… More >

  1. Harry Potter
  2. Anna Nicole Smith
  3. The Sopranos
  4. Rosie O’Donnell
  5. Gilmore Girls

  1. The OC
  2. Barbaro
  3. Richard Jeni
  4. Iwao Takamoto
  5. Captain America

Tag, You’re It

top 10 on del.icio.us

Creativity and creation marked the 2007 searches on our social search and bookmarking site, del.icio.us, which serves as the “Web memory”… More >

  1. Design
  2. HDTV
  3. Games
  4. Music
  5. Web 2.0

  1. Video
  2. Ubuntu
  3. Travel
  4. Photography
  5. Mac

Elementary Deductions

top 10 on Yahoo! Kids

This year, kids showed their environmental consciousness as they searched on topics of global proportions, including Earth Day, rainforest, and endangered animals… More >

  1. Games
  2. Animals
  3. Dinosaurus
  4. Math
  5. Hannah Montana

  1. Solar System
  2. George Washington
  3. Halloween
  4. Sally Ride
  5. Global Warming 
